On Being Spotify Exclusive

Jul 30, 2020

"Mas, kok enggak ada update lagi di Apxxx Podcast?"

"Mas, kok udah lama ga bikin podcast baru lagi?"

Dua pertanyaan ini makin sering masuk di DM Instagram, and I'd like to address it, in case you guys missed it. Jawaban cepetnya, yes, podcast Thirty Days of Lunch sekarang bisa dinikmati exclusively di Spotify. Ga beda jauh, sama-sama gratis buat dengerin. Mungkin nambah PR dengan register akun baru pake email. Done. Gua rasa lo pendengar-pendengar kita, bukan tipe yg drama king & drama queen haha.

But more than that, we feel it's good to share the reasoning behind.

Keputusan untuk bergabung menjadi exclusive di Spotify bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. In fact, kita mikirin dulu, kira-kira berapa banyak pendengar yang setia nunggu di plaftorm lain. Kita juga cek, apakah kerjasama ini akan membawa added value ke Thirty Days of Lunch yang bisa dinikmati oleh elo elo juga.

We eventually decided to shake hands and call it a partnership, because:

(1) Contrary to popular belief, making a sustainable income to support the production & the cost of running a weekly podcast is tough. Especially if you're in a domain that's trying to educate people. Seperti yang temen-temen tahu, kalau pun kita berkolaborasi dengan brand, kita selalu mengusahakan sebagian besar 80-90% isi podcastnya tetap bermanfaat buat pendengar. Enggak semua sponsor mau. Kebanyakan sih maunya 1 jam ngomongin brand dia. Tapi kan itu enggak sejalan sama visinya podcast kita. Tenang & trust us, we still hold our listeners-first policy. So, thanks to the partnership we now have a designer & an editor to help us make sure the podcast is ready weekly every Wednesday morning.

Nah, gantian makanya guys. Support apapun dari lo, dalam bentuk reshare IG Stories, share link podcastnya ke temen, ngepost di TikTok, tulis review podcast kita di blog elo. They all matters. Kalau diibaratkan sebuah bisnis, Thirty Days of Lunch adalah social enterprise. Core-nya tetep untuk berbagi kebaikan, revenue yang kita dapat dari collaboration dengan brand adalah untuk bahan bakar tim dapur kami, dan untuk memperluas impact.

(2) The long term value of having Spotify, the biggest streaming platform, on one ship is an upside. Not just from the marketing POV, in helping our podcast reach bigger & wider audience, but also in potential partnership with so many other talents in their catalog. Expect to see interesting collabs from time to time ;)

(3) Knowing that there's only a handful of other podcast being selected to be Spotify Exclusive is a kind of milestones we all can celebrate together. It's a stamp of approval for all the hard work, the hours recording, editing, preparing the script, designing the post, etc. We are glad that we have created something impactful for the society at large. And you are a part of it. Being exclusive on Spotify feels like accepting an award that we'd like to co-share with you our listeners. We started in August 2018 when there's practically no one in the sphere, now we have celebrities jumping in the platform, and we still in the top 25 podcast. If it's not because of this beautiful symbiosis, than I don't know what that is.

TLDR : Thank you. This one's for you, for us and for the hustle. It's a journey worth riding together. Dan jangan DM lagi ya, uda tau kan kenapa ga ada di platform podcast lain? =D

Smile on, shine on
